Which core value did Erick and Estu choose?

Core values

Our core values show what we stand for and what we believe in as employees and as a company. These are the following: passion, responsibility, courage and teamwork.

Erick's passion drives his daily work, pushing him to innovate and contribute meaningfully, while Estu's courage fuels his efforts, allowing him to embrace challenges and drive innovation.

Interview with Erick and Estu



Can you describe a day at HCA?

Both Erick and Estu describe a dynamic and structured workday. Erick starts with a team check-in to align priorities before diving into product development and innovation. Afternoons are filled with client meetings and cross-functional collaborations to meet customer needs, along with hands-on lab work to ensure product quality. The day concludes with a review of accomplishments and planning for the next day, striking a balance between routine and variety.

Estu begins the day by checking emails and the meeting schedule, followed by building technical knowledge and performing lab work. Prioritizing tasks based on project importance, they remain focused and productive throughout the day. The dynamic nature of the work offers new challenges daily, keeping them motivated to learn and improve continuously.


What role does passion and courage play in your daily responsibilities?

Erick emphasizes that passion is the driving force behind his work, motivating him, fueling his commitment to excellence, fostering creativity, and strengthening resilience. Passion ensures that he contributes meaningfully to the team and thrives in his role, making every day rewarding. Estu adds that courage is essential in his daily responsibilities, particularly in the fast-moving field of product development. With customer requirements often feeling like "magical" demands, courage allows him to accept challenges, take risks, and innovate. ‘’Without courage, the team might hesitate in their efforts to meet and exceed expectations.’’


Why are passion and courage so important in the workplace?

Passion is crucial, according to Erick, because it drives motivation and engagement. When you're passionate about your work, you're more likely to commit to excellence and innovation. This leads to higher performance and productivity. Passion also builds resilience, helping you overcome challenges and stay dedicated to your goals over the long term.
Estu explains that courage is vital for embracing challenges. Without courage, we’d be filled with doubt about our actions. In a dynamic industry, we need the bravery to try new things, learn from our experiences, and drive success. Courage pushes us to step out of our comfort zone and achieve more than we thought possible.


What makes working at HCA enjoyable for you?

Erick: "The atmosphere is warm and welcoming. From the moment I step into Holland Colours, I'm greeted with inclusivity. The diverse team brings different perspectives that are not only welcomed but celebrated." Estu also notes that the atmosphere is dynamic, offering something new to learn every day. This constant change keeps him motivated and engaged. The collaborative environment ensures that everyone is working together toward common goals, making the workplace both challenging and rewarding. According to Erick, there's a strong focus on continuous learning, which fosters growth and ensures that employees can thrive.


Which 3 words do you think best describe HCA?

Collaborative Spirit, Innovation, Resilience.


How do you promote passion and courage within your team?

To promote passion, Erick provides constructive feedback and encourage idea sharing. Creating an open forum for team members to share their ideas sparks creativity and shows that their contributions are valued. Trust is built through transparency and a supportive culture, ensuring that everyone knows they can rely on each other. Promoting courage starts with leading by example. Estu encourages the team to embrace challenges by reminding them that success requires taking risks. ‘’I advocate for a mindset where trying, learning, and ultimately succeeding are part of the process.’’


Something else you would like to share about your experience at Holland Colours?

Erick highlights that the combination of experience, knowledge, and passion for continued growth has made Holland Colours stronger over the past 40 years. At Holland Colours, collaboration with customers is key to achieving mutual success. Estu adds that, at HCA, embracing challenges and executing them with courage is essential. The company thrives on innovation and teamwork, making it a great place to grow and succeed.




Ericks advice:

"Align your work with your values and interests. When your work reflects what you truly care about, passion naturally follows.''

Estu's advice:

"If you have a concept or idea, just do it and validate it. You’ll either learn something valuable or succeed. Both outcomes are a win.''
