Maroesja Klomp
Maroesja Klomp is 49 years old and has been working at Holland Colours in Apeldoorn for almost 25 years. She works in Inside sales and Holland Colours' marketing department.
Core values
Our core values show what we stand for and what we believe in as employees and as a company. These are the following: passion, responsibility, courage and teamwork.
Maroesja is keen to get the best out of her work, colleagues, and the company. Passion is therefore one of our core values that stands out the most for her personally.

Maroesja Klomp is 49 years old and has been working at Holland Colours in Apeldoorn for almost 25 years. She works in Inside sales and Holland Colours' marketing department. ‘’ I really like the fact that we make something that is used all over the world and that I get to contribute to coloring the world’’.
Can you describe a day at HCA?
Because I have two different positions within the company, every day looks very diverse to me. I really like that there is always something to do. A day at work usually starts with me checking my emails and phone calls. From these, I pick out the most urgent cases that I start working on first. Based on these notifications, I look at what I will work on first and organize my day. This could be a customer problem, a new order, or a meeting about our fair stand. In between, there are always meetings and consultations.
What makes working at HCA so enjoyable for you?
Within the company, we all have the same goal and work hard together on this. I think we have a close-knit team and I certainly appreciate that. The contact with customers also makes working really fun. This always brings a lot of enjoyment and variety. I have known many customers for a long time and, because of this, I get on well with them and keep in touch. Of course, I also enjoy it when I get to secure a really good order.
Which 3 words do you think best describe HCA?
People-first, Dedicated, Together
How does passion express itself in your work at HCA?
I am a go-getter and I am critical of what and how things can be improved within the company so that we can continue to grow. I notice that I always want to bring out the best within the company and keep improving together. Since I have two positions, I notice that I am even better placed in the company and can build bridges between Inside Sales and Marketing. I like to share these insights with other colleagues.
I am a people person and will always look after my colleagues and their opinions. Personally, I make sure I am always working to get the most out of my job every day, which creates new energy. I make every effort to maintain the good atmosphere that is here among colleagues.
Something else you would like to share about your experience at Holland Colours?
I think we are an approachable company with an easygoing culture which ensures good contacts between colleagues, customers, distributors, and partners around the world to provide the best quality in products and services.
Which question would you like to see answered in the next interview with another colleague?
I want to know where his or her passion comes from.